This spiritual work offers the opportunity for expectant mothers and fathers to bring more clarity to the complex and wonderful creative process of pregnancy and birth. This can be a contact with the unborn soul, healings of the energy body, as well as spiritual insights & resolutions of contexts and causes of certain issues that arise during pregnancy.
The freer and more cleared the spiritual birth canal is, the more liberated the birth can become and the newly arriving soul is detached from the issues of the parents.
With this background, the work is also aimed at women/parents with an unfulfilled wish for a child, abortions or when the child has been lost. Here we can look together at backgrounds and contexts and, insofar as it is in the life plan, free the birth channel.
Procedure of a session (1.5h)
Like an onion, we take off layer after layer and get in touch with our true self.
Most of the time we start with a channeling session in order to clearly illuminate the issue and to show the healing path. Often contacting the unborn soul is also an important part here. In order for a healing to be grasped in its depth and wholeness, energetic work is involved, as this is where I can work most effectively with my instruments. Especially the strengthening of the lower chakras and the healing of the spiritual womb is very important.
Many issues sit deep and we go through different paths that the spiritual world shows us until your connection to YOU blossoms again. You will intuitively feel how many sessions you need.
A woman carries the whole universe in her womb. Through its fertilization with the male seed, a moment of absolute oneness is created - manifested in the fertilized egg. This physical phenomenon is also the gateway into the incomprehensible world of creation. Every woman and man can reproduce creation in unity with the opposite gender. At no other moment in life are we as close to the energy of creation as at this event.
What many do not know is that there is not only a physical birth canal, but also a spiritual birth canal. This is the portal through which the still spiritual beings make their way into the physical form. Many of the complications in births arise because the spiritual birth channel is not clear for the child.
There are various causes for this. Why a soul chooses certain parents is subject to complex spiritual connections, which often follow karmic laws. So it can be that such imprints play into the time of pregnancy & birth or activate wounds of the parents' past; Therefore, spiritual healing work is particularly important in this special time of conception, because long chains of traumas and karma lines, which are sometimes passed on through generations via the ancestral ray, can be dissolved in this way.
The coming generations of children want to be free to develop their potential in their own rhythm. The more the parents are connected with themselves, their true self and their soul potential, the freer the birth and the coming guidance for the new earth being will be.
Practical Info
A session lasts about 1.5h and is 130.- CHF /hour in exchange.
--> possible payment methods: cash, twint or bank transfer
All offers can be booked online via Zoom or phone sessions. Since we work in the subtle levels, the spiritual healing and all energetic configurations can also happen over the distance.
Please come on time in your own interest.
If you need to reschedule an appointment, please notify me at least 24 hours in advance; otherwise, you may be charged for the appointment.